"Education within the framework of the joint Russian-Japanese Programs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic"

The On-line Conference "Education within the framework of the joint Russian-Japanese Programs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic" was held on November 20, 2020.

The conference was organized by Hokkaido University (HaRP Secretariat), Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Association of Russian and Japanese Universities.
The conference was attended by professors and supervisors of universities that had been already developing joint Japanese-Russian educational programs or were going to realize the similar programs in the future.

The goal of the conference was to develop a platform for all participants to exchange their ideas and experience in organizing an effective on-line learning process of the Japanese-Russian Educational Programs. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was impossible to develop international educational programs offline and the participants of the conference analyzed the experience and new approaches suggested by universities of the both countries and indicated the new ways of cooperation in Education in the future.

The participants touched upon the following issues:
— the ways for increasing efficiency in distance learning;
— the methods of organizing workshops, labs etc. in the context of distance learning;
— the assessment of on-line educationalprogress.